The two drawing clubs / os dois clubes

Why two, you may ask?
Well, I shall try to explain, hopefully without taking up too much of anyone’s time, as clearly and briefly as I can manage.

Thoughout the years I have witnessed there being two basic types of  *environment* in terms of how people develope better their skills and artistic nature.  There is no way around this I have found.
To put it simply, regardless of teaching methods or guidlines, some of us flourish and develope more when there is no mixture of *training levels, when one’s needs and any previous experience in drawing (or alleged *inexperience) are more or less equivalent to those we are next to.   On the other hand, there are those of us who truly flourish and further ourselves when we are in what most would call an open level group environment, when any and all ”apparent” levels of experience (or *inexperience) , capabilities and knowhow are irrelevant. In this case, it seems that the seasoned and the apparently inexperienced drawer, plus any or all levels deemed intermediate to exist  in between, upon working together, bring out the best in esch other and in themselves.

There is no ”better way” or ”better environment”, both I mention are valid and – valuable.

This is why we devised two different approaches, with their respective clubs for members and/or students having where to practice their skills and training outside of any of their courses, workshops, or seminars.

I’m aware that there are yet some cases, where people are afraid to practice or draw next to others, or dislike to do so, for any of a miriad of possible reasons.  It is no one’s place to judge, compare or conclude anything by this.  As long as one is free to develope one’s skills and exercise their *artistic side*, what does it matter?

I could elongate much on this subject matter, and/or some of the underlining issues that may occur when I hear most people discuss such things.
But let us leave such matters to when they can be discussed, when chance has it come up in any class, club meeting, or even perchance in this site’s Blog (although I do prefer to hear what others have to say..).
To sum things up, I leave you with the two sites, one for the first type of environment
(where peers are more *equally equipped* and have, more or less, similar needs)
O Traço do Oeste – Clube de desenho
and the other for the second type mentioned above
Clube de Desenho do Oeste
– where any levels of experience, apparent capabilities – or ”needs”, are irrelevant.

If you wish to join, and yet, are unsure if you would do better in either – or – if you wish to join but think, at least for the time being, that you are uncofortable in a ”class”, please let us know by sending a message stating such.


I now leave you with the two sites, and bid adieu, hoping that you can find your ”drawing voice” (so to speak) and to bare witness to such
(for it is a beautiful thing).

Wishing you well,
and the best possible Spring/Summer
– G. Almeida



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This folowing is the direct link to the site of:

”O Traço do Oeste”
(Clube de Desenho)

Taylored for teaching, ”o Traço do Oeste”, which is supported by a *club of its own for a  continued practice among colleagues whenever desired, is the name given to an outlined course plotted out to refine one’s practices and training.
Teaching and guidlines at ”o Traço do Oeste”  contemplate different situations, in which most fall into 3 main categories:
x) – those that feel they are less experienced, or out of practice
y) – beginners, those that wish to start to explore their capabilities (and to free their *hand)
z) – a more experienced, and seasoned, *drawer.  For those that one way or another fall into this catergory, it is set out to challenge one’s already existing capabilities and practices, hoping to bring a wider drawing *vocabulary (so to speak), techniques and approach, as well as developing even further one’s  *Hand-Eye coordination.



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Clube de Desenho do Oeste

(seminars / workshops / club schedule & gatherings)
This is the site you’re presently on
– Click on the link to return to the site’s

to take a better look.
Here people are free to be mixed in groups, regardless of experience / and or ”level” of training or *needs*, whether this be in courses, workshops, seminars, or it’s respective ”club”.


To contact us directly through this site: